Green your space: 7 creative ways to hang plants on the wall

Are you looking for creative ways to add some greenery to your space without taking up precious floor space? Then look ...

Green your space: 7 creative ways to hang plants on the wall

Are you looking for creative ways to add some greenery to your space without taking up precious floor space? Then look ...

Inspiration & ideas for a small urban garden

Have you ever dreamed of having your own green oasis in the middle of the city, but are struggling with a sm...

Growing Strawberries in Vertical Garden: A Practical Guide

Imagine looking out the window and seeing beautiful, juicy and delicious strawberries dangling there from a ...
Balkon Plantenbak: Hoe Maak Je Een Verticale Tuin Op Je Balkon

Balcony Planter: How to Make a Vertical Garden On Your Balcony

Want to turn your balcony into an oasis of greenery? Then balcony planters can be a great solution. When you make a vertical garden out of planters...

Green wall of plants for your home

Do you have a bare wall, facade or fence outside? And would you like to brighten or green it up? Then creating a green wall can be a wonderful solu...

Creating a vertical vegetable garden

Do you have limited space on your balcony or in your garden? But would you still like to vegetable garden? With a vertical garden you can still gro...

Perfect potting soil mix for your vertical garden

To make plants in your vertical garden grow optimally, you can make a special mix in potting soil. This consists of one-third sand, one-third potti...

Guide to all suitable plants for a vertical garden

Selecting suitable plants for a vertical garden can be challenging. There are several factors to consider, such as sunlight, water requirements, so...

8 Steps to Make Your Own Vertical Garden

Are you planning to build a vertical garden? Then check out all the steps in this article and you'll know what to do to build your own vertical gar...

What are the advantages and disadvantages of vertical gardens?

Choosing to create a vertical garden around your home is a fun project and has a lot of advantages. For example, it is a unique way to beautify you...

What is a vertical garden?

A vertical garden (also sometimes called a "green wall," green wall or living plant wall) is a garden where the plants are not sitting horizontally...

About JungleScape

Our mission at JungleScape is to green cities. With vertical gardens, we help you make your home greener inside and out.

Read all about JungleScape