In a vertical garden, plants do not grow horizontally in the ground, but vertically along the wall. Where you normally put plants in the soil of your garden or a pot on your balcony, for example, a vertical garden allows you to grow plants on a wall or fence. Not only does this allow you to make the best use of the space and put many more plants that way, it also looks very pretty!
We have a mission at JungleScape: to green the cities, homes and gardens around us. We want to do that by helping you in every step from purchasing to building and maintaining your vertical garden. We have therefore tested many different vertical garden systems and made a selection of systems that we are sure: you can create a suitable vertical garden with these.
Vertical garden planters
An easy way to create a vertical garden is to hang planters on a wall that are specially designed to hang one above the other. With these planters, care has been taken to ensure that the plants do not grow upward, but rather forward. This allows you to stack the planters properly and the plants grow well. At JungleScape, we sell two different vertical garden planters. One that is well suited for indoors and one that is well suited for outdoors.
Vertical garden made of felt
You see many vertical gardens online that are made of felt or cloth. These are often very inexpensive and easy to use. The advantage is that you often only need to hang them up by a few screws or nails and are already ready to put plants in. On the felt vertical garden are then compartments where you can put the plants with soil. You then have a vertical garden in no time.
However, there is a big disadvantage to the felt vertical gardens. Watering these felt cloths is often very difficult because they do not have a good watering system. When you water it often drains out of the cloth very quickly. Especially when it is sunny, warm or windy, the water from the vertical garden can evaporate very quickly. This can quickly lead to the plants drying out. We therefore do not sell felt vertical gardens at JungleScape.
Water systems for automatic watering
Watering your vertical garden is very important for the proper growth of your plants. Too much water will drown your plants and too little will dry them out. A good ratio of watering is therefore very important. You can easily water a vertical garden with a watering system. Therefore, when purchasing a vertical garden, always look carefully to see what kind of watering system comes with the vertical garden.
For example, our vertical garden planters have a water reservoir where water is delivered to the plant via a thick rope. You only need to make sure every now and then that the water reservoir is refilled.
Karoo' s vertical garden system has a convenient notch where you can water. You can water up to 1 liter at a time, so the plants in your Karoo can get on with it for a while!
Automatic watering
Because on hot and sunny days you sometimes have to water a vertical garden daily. It is nice if the watering is automatic. It is best to use a watering system with a computer. This allows you to set the amount and frequency of watering yourself.
Before you buy a system for your vertical garden, it is important to look at a few important elements, namely:
What is the cost per square meter? A vertical garden can sometimes seem very cheap or very expensive, but the best way to compare them is to calculate the price per square meter. That way you will know exactly how much you will spend when you want to create x number of square meters with vertical garden.
Is the hanging system suitable for my wall/wall? Each vertical garden comes with its own way of hanging. Make sure you know in advance if your back wall is suitable. Can it handle the weight? Can you drill/screw into it? Can the system leak and can my wall get wet?
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